Virtual Parents Evening
Virtual Parents' Evening
The school has introduced a new intuitive and easy to use online appointment booking and video conferencing system. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments.
Each appointment will be 4 minutes in length and you only have to login in once on the evening and all appointments will automatically start for you.
Apple Devices on iOS 14.2
Issue: stuttering audio at the start of the video call
There is a known issue affecting Apple devices running iOS 14.2 which causes stuttering audio when joining video calls. The audio may stabilize itself after some time.
This affects connecting to any video call in the Safari browser and is not specific to SchoolCloud Parents Evening.
If your phone or iPad is running iOS 14.2 we would reccommend using an alternative device if possible.
You can book your appointments here:
(You should have received a personal login code by email)
We recommend that you watch this short video prior to the evening as it explains how the appointments start and finish as well as tips about microphone and video settings to make the experience even better: