Should you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the methods below, or fill in the enquiry form:

Telephone: 01695 583040

General enquiries:

Sixth Form:

SENDCo (Mr J Mannion - Assistant Headteacher /SendCo):

Attendance Office:

Headteacher (Mr Burnham)

Chair of Local Academy Council (Scott McLellan)

Ormskirk School
Wigan Road

L39 2AT

Please contact Mrs May (Head's PA) should you require a paper copy of any documentation from this website. This will be provided free of charge.

To find out more about Endeavour Learning Trust, please contact us by email via or visit

for further information.

Endeavour Learning Trust is a limited company number 7848372

Registered in England

Registered office: Buckshaw House, Euxton Lane, Chorley, PR76TB | Telephone: 01772 817 904

For out of school hour emergencies, disturbances, or security concerns please contact the school's security provider on the following number 08442571094 (Company name - Custodian)

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