At Ormskirk School, our whole-school reading strategy is divided into 3 strands.  These are:

1. Reading Intervention 

2. Reading within the Curriculum

3. Reading for Pleasure

Further details for each strand can be found below.

At Ormskirk School, all students complete a reading screening test when they join us in Year 7.  This is a standardised, adaptive assessment to measure reading skills against the national average. We use it to identify where intervention may be needed, and then to monitor the impact of intervention and progress made. 

Students are categorised into Waves according to their reading ability:

  • Wave 1 Aspiring Readers
  • Wave 2 Reluctant Readers
  • Wave 3 Established Readers
  • Wave 4 Mainstream Readers

Further testing takes place before students begin Year 10.

1. Reading Intervention for Aspiring Readers and Reluctant Readers

Students whose reading score is significantly below their chronological reading age proceed to a diagnostic assessment designed to identify the detail of their gaps. 

Our Wave 1 readers move to a programme of phonics instruction, accessing the Fresh Start Read Write Inc. course from the relevant level. 

Fresh Start builds children’s reading accuracy, fluency and stamina in regular slots of 25. Children make as much as two years’ progress in only two months.

Our Wave 2 readers access Reading Plus intervention. 

2. Reading within the Curriculum

As is highlighted in our whole school curriculum intent, reading is central to curriculum success for our students.  With this in mind, we have made reading one of the key features of our whole-school Teaching & Learning Framework. 

Subject teachers have been trained in phonics, so that they can be empathetic to the reading needs of all students in their class.  Subject teachers have also enjoyed prosody training, so that they can inspire and enthuse our students around reading. 

3. Reading for Pleasure

Our school Library is available to students at break, lunchtime and after school.  Students have the opportunity to make book requests from our Librarian.  We have also established a link with Ormskirk's local Library, who recently visited school to distribute library cards to students and to share details of their digital offer. 

We celebrate World Book Day each year, both as a school and through the curriculum.  Here’s a link to our most recent World Book Day Assembly.

We regularly survey our students to find out their reading for pleasure interests.

Our students’ interests also inform our choices for our Tutor Time Reading programme, where we dedicate 3 periods of the Daily Tutorial Programme to reading for pleasure, with Personal Tutors reading aloud to their Tutor Group.


The books we have chosen for Tutor Time Reading can be found below.

Ormskirk School– Registration and the Tutor Time Reading Programme – Term 1 

At Ormskirk, form tutors read to all students from Years 7 to Year 10 every morning. The books have been chosen to introduce our students to a diverse and challenging range of texts. Here is a list of the books for Term 1.


Book Title and Author


Synopsis/Links to PSHE

Year 7


Wonder by RJ Palacio









Auggie, is a young ten-year-old child, who wants to live his life normally, like everyone else. He wants to be ordinary. The truth is that, born with a terrible face abnormality Auggie has been homeschooled by his parents his whole life. And now, for the first time. He is being sent to a real school. He is dreading this moment. All he wants to be is accepted. But can he convince his new classmates that he is just like them, underneath what they see?

Emotional wellbeing – talking about emotions sensitively. Healthy friendships – trust, respect, honesty, kindness. Stereotypes – disability. Prejudice/discrimination – disability. Resilience, empathy


Year 8


A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness